Hosted by The Village at The Woodlands Waterway and Life Care Services, this online event will provide a better understanding of memory loss and its effect on loved ones and caregivers of those with Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. Speaker Jolene Brackey is author of the book “Creating Moments of Joy,” based on Jolene’s passion to change society’s attitude toward aging by inspiring minds, rejuvenating spirits, and empowering people to make a difference in the way we care for our elders.
Topics include:
-Identifying signs of Alzheimer’s or dementia in a loved one
-Connecting with loved ones who have memory loss
-Learning how to cope and enjoy the time you have with your loved ones
-Navigating the numerous care issues you will face with your loved one
All webinar attendees will receive a free copy of Jolene’s book, Creating Moments of Joy.
Founder of Enhanced Moments and author of the book Creating Moments of Joy, Jolene Brackey is a celebrated nationwide speaker in Alzheimer’s education. She has a B.A. from Iowa State University and extensive experience with people who have Alzheimer’s. Jolene has been a keynote speaker at many conferences where family members, CNAs, and professionals share what works and doesn’t work. Her message of hope, encouragement-along with generous helpings of humor-is warmly embraced by family members and professional caregivers alike.
Thursday, January 6, 2022
3:00-4:00 p.m. Central
Register Here:
The link to join the webinar will be sent to you after you RSVP.
The Village at The Woodlands Waterway is managed by Life Care Services®, An LCS Company®. With 50 years of proven experience, Life Care Services’ innovative leadership brings passion and performance through strong financial stewardship, lifestyle-centered services as well as high quality services in communities as unique as the individuals who live in them.